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Sharing your story can change lives!

Every person has a story, and every story has the power to inspire.

The power of your story may motivate someone to finally seek therapy or substance use treatment. It might encourage another to donate, so that everyone has access to care.

Who will you inspire today?

Share your story one of three ways!

How Stories Connect And Persuade Us:

Unleashing The Brain Power Of Narrative

This article, produced by National Public Radio, explains why telling one’s story is so effective at influencing other people’s behavior. The authentic telling of one’s personal journey resonates strongly with others as they truly listen and absorb the details of the lived experience.

Steven’s Story:

Recovery and gainful employment thanks to Columbia River

When Steven Suarez was released from jail at age 29, he was homeless, heavily addicted, and had never held a real job. His decision to change his life and enter treatment at Columbia River led to a good job, reunification with family, and the forging of healthy friendships.

You can read more about Steven’s tale of triumph over his demons.

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